I recently wrote a post about 10 of the best breakthrough parenting moments, featuring all the things that are real breakthroughs at the time, like being able to leave the house without everything but the kitchen sink and putting away the highchair you’ve come to loathe owing to all its crevices and straps.

It occurred to me, though, that lots of the points I made were negative, focusing on the aspects of parenting I hate instead of the bits I love.

10 of the best baby firsts main

So when BritMums got in touch to see if I’d be interested in taking part in their #PetitsFilousFirsts challenge, a campaign championing babies β€˜firsts’, I thought yes! I should be celebrating these milestone moments instead of being glad some of them are over (although I’ll never be sorry about seeing the back of a highchair).

I started thinking about Little B’s β€˜firsts’, and while there are so many it’s hard to narrow them down, I’ve come up with 10 of the best baby firsts I’ve loved the most:

1. The first trip to the pub. You might think this one’s for teenagers, but not in our house. I’m not ashamed to admit it, I was gasping for a white wine spritzer by the time BB and Little B came along. In both cases we went for a pub lunch the following day.


2. The first bath. A nervous and fractious affair, there’s nothing like the smell of clean milky baby afterwards.


3. The first smile. When all those sleepless nights and worrying are rewarded with the first proper glimpse of the little person your baby will become.


4. Their first strawberry. This has been priceless on both occasions for us and is a first I will always remember.


5. Their first taste of yoghurt. A bit like the strawberry, nothing beats the look on their face the first time they taste a spoonful of yoghurt. And the funny thing is they still react the same way a year or so later.


For the purpose of this post we’ve been trying out My First Petits Filous, which is a low-sugar, vanilla flavour weaning fromage frais which is suitable from six months and isΒ made mainly of milk. Here’s what Little B makes of it…

6. The first holiday. Although you can now only use the term β€˜holiday’ loosely, you only ever remember the best bits.


7. Their first trip to the beach. Sandy toes and pretty much the only place where it’s safe to go nappy-free, the look of delight on their face is priceless.


8. Their first ice cream. A lot like the strawberry and yoghurt, it’s the facial expression that makes this into my top ten.


9. Their first pair of Wellingtons.Β I know theΒ first pair of shoes are a milestone moment, but the first pair of Wellingtons are even more fun because it meansΒ it’s time for muddy puddles and splashing.


10. Their first birthday. You made it through the first 12 months unscathed – what better cause for celebration?


Of course there are lots more best baby firsts, but these have to be my favourite. How about you? What are your favourite baby firsts?

This post is an entry for BritMums #PetitsFilousFirsts Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous.

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