
Are you guilty of competitive tiredness?

I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in almost a year and a half. At 16 months old Little B [...]

By |March 16th, 2016|Family life|46 Comments

5 tips for breast feeding in public

Have you seen the latest ads the UK government is running to encourage more women to breast feed in public? An animated [...]

By |November 23rd, 2015|Breast feeding|21 Comments

Flashback Friday: Mammaries are made of this

I started Crummy Mummy in January 2013 as I prepared to stop breastfeeding BB, and by May the journey was [...]

By |June 26th, 2015|Breast feeding|22 Comments

Who’d have thought the best bit about a holiday could be a break from pumping milk?

It turns out we couldn’t have picked a better week to have our first holiday of the year – a [...]

I should have been more assertive and insisted on breast feeding

Little B’s gorgeous, podgy legs are now sporting a pair of plasters thanks to the administration of his 8 week jabs (pictured). It was an ordeal, in more ways than one. As if getting us all up, breakfasted, dressed and out of the door by 9.15am wasn’t bad enough, it was raining cats and dogs and we had no option but to go on foot. In order to get to the surgery in the fastest possible time and avoid unnecessary drenching, there was nothing for it but to put BB in the pushchair with the rain cover (I was hoping her pushchair days were over) and Little B in the papoose, under the cover of my coat. We couldn’t have got any wetter. The rain was so torrential (and too windy to attempt balancing an umbrella on my head/shoulders while pushing) it soaked through my coat and onto Little B within minutes, and we arrived literally dripping. […]

By |January 9th, 2015|Breast feeding, Family life, Health, Parenting, Pregnancy|2 Comments

A beaker of milk…aka a poisoned chalice

Week one of starting to wean BB off the boob is drawing to a close, and I’m afraid to say we haven’t got very far. The ‘official’ advice in my books on how to go about it all seems to apply to babies under 12 months, and I’m afraid we’re a bit beyond that (BB is almost 18 months old). So I’ve ditched the so-called professional advice and decided to go about it my own way: starting with dropping day time feeds and offering her a beaker of cow’s milk instead. You’d think I was suggesting she drink from a poisoned chalice. […]

By |February 1st, 2013|Breast feeding|2 Comments